My 3 Monsters: Silly Supper & Talent Showfor April Fools Day

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Silly Supper & Talent Show
for April Fools Day

We are big fans of April Fools Day around here.  Last year I flip-flopped the living room and dining room furniture and a couple years ago we did a series of food pranks.  This year I was at a bit of a loss for what to do on April Fools Day.  The kids were antsy all day, waiting to see what the joke would be.  The pressure was on!  We ended up having a Silly Supper and Talent Show and it was a hoot.

april fools day, kids activities, april fools day for kids, activities to do with kids

Each member of the family rolled a pair of dice three times - once to determine which utensils they got to eat with, once to determine which dishes they would get to eat on, and once to determine what they would get to eat.  For example, my youngest son got 2 ladles, a plate, a baking pan, applesauce and bread.  It was funny to watch everyone trying to finagle food into their mouths with odd utensils.

april fools day, kids activities, april fools day for kids, activities to do with kids
Dylan filled up one of his ladles with the apple sauce and slurped it out while he drank his ice water out of a bread pan.

april fools day, kids activities, april fools day for kids, activities to do with kids
We all shared our food so that everyone got a balanced meal and we traded utensils as necessary.  It was a fun lesson in cooperation and sharing too, I guess.

april fools day, kids activities, april fools day for kids, activities to do with kids

I chose a very simple meal of sandwiches, crackers and fruit, but you could make something much more difficult to eat, like spaghetti, to up the silly factor.

Once the meal was finished we began our silly talent show.  Dylan showed us how he can whistle and hum simultaneously and do "ear farts".  Riley scrambled an egg - inside the shell, and Sydney played songs on her cell phone key pad.  Brent balanced quarters on his elbow and flipped them down into his hand without dropping them.  He made it to 20 before he missed one.  For the grand finale, I taught everyone how to tie their shoe in less than one second.  I know.  We are a very talented lot.

The older our kids get, the more time we spend running around between track meets, dance practices, church youth activities, scouts, and a hundred other things.  I treasure these moments when we can just laugh and enjoy each other for an evening.  We make an effort to sit at the table and eat a family dinner every night to stay connected, but it's fun to just leave all our cares behind for a while and be silly together.

I made a blank printable that you can use if you would like to try a Silly Supper with your family, too.

april fools day, kids activities, april fools day for kids, activities to do with kids

Just click the image to enlarge it, then right-click and save it to your computer.  Fill in the blanks with all your options and let the dice roll! 

I'll be linking up at:


  1. I *must* know the one-second-shoe-tying trick. Pretty please share?

    1. Here you go. Enjoy! My family was AMAZED!!

  2. I features your mirror today on my blog... I love it!
    Thank you so much for visiting my our link party!

  3. This would be a great FHE, YM/YW, scouts, or even for Activity Day Girls activity...Thanks for sharing

  4. You are very welcome. I glad you liked it. Thanks for stopping by!


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