My 3 Monsters: Copycat Creativity

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Copycat Creativity

Remember my hot-mess-living-room dilemma a week or so ago?  I'm still working on it.  We spent last Saturday painting a few of our older pieces of furniture -- just sprucing things up a bit.  Reinventing.  In our most dramatic transformation, the coffee table went from drab brown to a beautiful blue called Mermaid.  I LOVE IT!!!
(But please ignore the real-life mess all around it.  Embarrassing ...)  I actually painted it dark gray, then celadon green, THEN Mermaid blue so that when I sanded and antiqued it we would get a pretty, multi-layered, weathered effect.  Looking at that photo I can clearly see that the top needs a bit more sanding.  Whatever.  (Next up, the entertainment center will be painted black and antiqued.  School starts next week and mommy's gonna' have some time to kill . . .)

As beautiful as that is, it's not what I gathered you all here to talk about today.  That perfectly blue coffee table is the only thing we own that is blue (except for the interior of my craft closet which is where the Mermaid blue paint came from, but that doesn't really count.)  I need some accessories that introduce light blue as a part of the red, black, yellow, green color scheme going on in there.  It's not a stretch, really.  Those colors all look lovely together.  Just look at the Thrift Shop collection of scrapbooking paper from October Afternoon.  It's a gorgeous pallet.  Luckily I had purchased a pad of that cute paper from Amazon on an impulse a few months back.  But what can you make for your living room out of scrapbook paper that doesn't look too Becky-Home Ec-y?  OK, several things, but that's when I remembered some beautiful butterfly collages I had seen while blog hopping a while back -- from Amy at the Idea Room  and from Julie at Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss.  If those two ideas got together and had a baby and wrapped it up in a burlap receiving blanket from Jen over at Tatertos & Jello, this is what you'd get:
My brand-spankin'-new addition to our family art gallery wall (which is currently under reconstruction due to recent changes in furniture placement).  Look at those colors up close:
To. Die. For.  It may not be your cup of tea, but it's doin' the job for me.  And, really, isn't that the best we have to hope for in our homes -- surrounding ourselves with things that we REALLY enjoy looking at, damned if anyone else likes them?  This room still needs a lot of refining, but it's getting there.  And I LOVE that huge table that creates the office area behind the couch. (The one on the space plan that I was a little iffy about before.)  It just works for us.  And that's what HOME is all about.

I'm linking up to one of my favorite crafty parties:



  1. I've always wanted to do one of those. I don't think it would look right in my house now, but if I ever have another child and it's a girl, I'm sooo doing one of these for the nursery! Love your coffee table too!

  2. Oh my. I love that. I lOVE that! I have so many things I want to do in my house that I get overwhelmed and get none of them done:) It's fun to see your blog because you actually DO it.

  3. A-door-A-Bull!
    Now I want to see the WHOLE room - big table and all. Post a overall view... I am dying to see how that little office spaces looks

  4. I thought I was the only one who decorated rooms based on scrapbook paper - ManOfTheHouse cringes every time I pull out a new stack of paper now though!

  5. Very nice. I love the butterfly wall frame. I have wanted to do one of those. Very cute. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I like the idea of the butterflies escaping the specimen grid!!

  7. I've seen this idea elsewhere too and love it. I may also have to copycat it for someplace in my house.

  8. Lovely-I like how they are flying off.
    I got my kids to make something similar a few years ago with butterflies cut from old magazines and pasted onto card-stock.

  9. That is so cute! I love how they are flying away!

  10. So I saw this and pinned it a while back because I just loved it, but for some reason, I only just now saw the "Becky-Home-Ec-y" mention and I might be in love with that phrase now! Thanks for making re-discovery of this project even more awesome! : )

    I'm also your newest follower - love your blog!


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