My 3 Monsters: PERK Up Your Smelly Car!

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PERK Up Your Smelly Car!

This post brought to you by PERK. All opinions are 100% mine.

HI guys!!  If you're like me, you probably set some goals for yourself at the beginning of the new year.  One of mine was to take better care of some of our things that I tend to neglect -- the yard, for one. I hate gardening and it shows.  Another one was our van.

I spend a LOT of time in my van, running errands and chauffeuring my children around town.  It is like our second home -- the one that doesn't get cleaned on a regular basis and could be featured on an episode of hoarders.  We eat in there more often than I'd like to admit, in the rush between track meets, voice lessons, and church youth activities.  If my kids ever can't find their jackets or their text books or their scriptures, more often than not we will track the lost item down in the van.  It's mildly annoying to me, but to my husband it is a major source of embarrassment.  He was raised believing that a car had to be kept clean to run properly.  To his credit, he keeps his car pretty clean.  In my defense, he doesn't have the kids in his car as often as I do in mine.  Whatever.

I was super grateful when he took the kids out last weekend and washed and detailed the van for me.  They vacuumed all the floorboards and mats.  They removed all the trash and wiped everything down.  They even polished the tires for me.  I love those guys!!  The one thing they didn't take care of was the smell.  You know that "sweaty track shoes meet stale french fries" old van smell?  This is where my husband and I differ -- it doesn't matter how clean the car is -- if it doesn't smell clean it's not clean in my book.

PERK vent air freshener to the rescue!  These could not have come at a better time.  Believe me, I have tried plenty of products to make my car smell clean and they all have their pros and cons.  Lots of them are bulky or tacky looking, but not PERK vent wraps.  What is a Vent Wrap?  This little video explains it best:

See it on there?  You only notice it if you're looking for it, which is so much nicer than something dangling from the rear-view mirror or a big, clunky plastic thing-y that keeps you from adjusting the vent.  Now my car smells as awesome as it looks and Brent and I are both happy!  I used the Clean Laundry scent and it reminds of the olden days, when we lived in an apartment and did laundry at my parents' house.  Our car always smelled so good after I drove back home on laundry day!  I will always think of that now when I drive my van.  The other vent wraps that came in the pack are individually wrapped so I can throw them in the glove box and open a new one in a few weeks when this one runs out.  Each pack of 4 wraps will last almost 2 months.

If Clean Laundry isn't your thing, there are plenty of other fragrances to choose from.  Brent was jealous of my delightful-smelling car and put a New Car scented PERK vent wrap in his car.  It smells more like baby powder than "new car" to me, but it's still yummy.  If you want to try some for yourself, you can buy PERK at Advance Auto Parts, Walmart, Target, and other retailers.  Or you could enter to win a SIX-MONTH SUPPLY right here!

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Have a great day, friends!


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  1. I tend to accidentally leave restaurant leftovers in my car. It's a bad habit and makes for a smelly car.

  2. I love how discreet these are!

  3. We have a car my daughter's share, one smokes and one doesn't so I'm excited for the opportunity to try these. They are so discreet too they might not even notice if I put in the car :)


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